How to Stay Healthy When You Can't Workout
More often than not, I will argue that you can almost always find 15 minutes in your day to squeeze in a good workout. And trust me, you can still get in a GREAT workout in just 15 minutes. I’ve shared lots of 15 minute workouts on my Instagram, so if you’ve been following me there then you know that’s true! But sometimes life throws you curve balls (like long work hours, a crazy busy trip, or this awful cold I am currently battling) and you actually can’t workout. So what do you do in those situations? There are TONS of variables that are still within your control! I’m sharing a few tips on how I stay on track when I don’t have time or simply cannot workout due to various circumstances! You don’t have to press pause on your goals just because you’re not in your normal routine!
Commit to eating healthy foods! I’m sick this week, but I meal prepped and am sticking to my normal clean diet regardless. I’m always so tempted to eat bad foods when I’m sick! So my meal prep is saving me right now. If I’m traveling or at a long event, I always pack my favorite protein bars. That way, there’s at least one meal that I can plan ahead for, and they’re helpful to have on hand in a pinch! If I am eating out, I try to stick to protein and veggies for my meals and avoid things with lots of hidden sugars (aka salad dressing!). For example, if I’m at a nice dinner, I would try to order fish and vegetables. I also love a good steak, so sometimes I’ll order steak and double veggies for sides instead of potatoes. Don’t be afraid to ask for the substitutions you need to stay on track.
Drink lots of water. Lots of it. When you don’t drink enough water, your body sends you mixed signals and sometimes you think you’re hungry when you’re really just thirsty. So make sure you’re staying hydrated! You should be doing this anyway all the time, but I know most people tend to struggle more with this when they’re on the go. You can easily bring a water bottle with you from place to place!
REST. When you don’t get enough sleep, your hormone levels are off and that can cause you to feel hungry even when you don’t need food. It also leads you to grab the closest thing to you because your body is craving energy! And let’s face it. We tend to gravitate toward unhealthy foods when we are hungry and overtired. So do your best to get a good night’s sleep and catch those z’s.
Lastly, and most importantly, show yourself some grace!! Your health and fitness goals are meant to be a part of your overall lifestyle. This is a marathon, not a sprint. A week or two of being out of your normal routine will not kill you. It won’t ruin months of hard work. And it doesn’t mean you have to throw in the towel for two weeks and “start over.” You don’t have to keep pushing back the start date to begin working toward your goals just because your circumstances aren’t perfect. Focus on taking care of yourself in all of the ways that you can control right now, and start fresh with your workouts when you’re back to your norm! Just remember that you can get in a solid workout in 15 minutes. So if your normal routine has you “too busy to workout,” you have to decide how much you want this. There are probably things you could cut out to work in a 15-20 minute workout.
I hope this gives you some encouragement, and if you have tips on how you stay on track when you’re not in your normal routine, I would love for you to share them with me on Instagram! That’s my favorite place to connect.
Have a great week, y’all!