day four: arms, Back & Abs
Allow 60-90 seconds rest between circuits. Aim for little to no rest between exercises during the circuit. If you’re a beginner, take breaks as needed.
challenger: add sprints or burpees between each circuit. Complete 40 seconds, rest 15 seconds and repeat three times.
circuit 1: Complete 3 rounds.
plank jacks on med ball. Complete 20 reps.
modification: palms on floor.
Begin in plank position, with your hands positioned firmly on a medicine ball, your body in one straight line, and your feet together. Like the motion of a jumping jack, jump your legs wide and then back together. Jump as quickly as you want, but keep your pelvis steady and don't let your glutes rise toward the ceiling.
Forward jumping burpees. Complete 10 reps.
modification: burpees, omit jump and/or pushup.
Begin with feet hip width apart with core tight. Begin by bending at the knees and performing an explosive jump in a forward motion, then drop to a plank position with hands positioned directly under the shoulders and the legs out behind the body, head facing down. Complete a push up (optional). Jump the feet forward near the hands into a deep squat, and repeat.
Mountain climbers on med ball.
Mountain climbers on med ball. complete 20 reps.
modification: palms on floor.
In a plank position, brace your core with your hands placed on a medicine ball directly underneath your shoulders. You can also modify this by placing your palms on the ground directly beneath your shoulders. Flex your left hip, bringing your left thigh to your chest. Lift your right knee off the ground, fully extending your right leg behind you, with your toes pointing towards your shins, heel up. Stiffen your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine, then pull your shoulders down and back. Keeping your hands firmly on the medicine ball, abs engaged and shoulder strong, simultaneously switch leg positions.
circuit 2: Complete 3 rounds.
Pop out pushups. Complete 5-7 reps.
modification. Pushup.
Begin in a plank position with your feet behind you and your palms on the ground, shoulder width apart with fingers facing forward. Stiffen your torso by contracting your core/abdominal muscles, your glute and quadriceps muscles and align your head with your spine. Simultaneously lift your hands and feet off the ground moving your hands and feet a few inches further from your body as you lower your body to the ground in a pushup position. Lower yourself toward the ground. Do not allow your hips to sag. Simultaneously lift your hands and feet off the ground as you press upward through your arms to come back to starting position. Repeat.
single arm lateral pulldowns. Complete 12-15 reps, left-right.
at-home alternative: single arm bent over rows.
Position yourself on your knees in front of an adjustable cable machine with a handle grip positioned at a high setting. Grab the handle with one hand with an overhand grip, your arm fully extended and position yourself on your knees. Brace your abdominal muscles to protect your spine. Pull shoulders back and down and attempt to hold this position throughout the exercise. Slowly exhale and initiate the downward pull by first depressing your scapulae, then pulling the handle downward in a motion that drives your elbows directly down towards the floor, bringing your elbow towards the sides of your torso. Go back to starting position and repeat.
Renegade rows. complete 8-12 reps.
Hold one dumbbell in each hand, place the dumbbells on the floor with one hand directly under each shoulder and the legs straight out behind about shoulder-width apart in a plank position. Press your feet into the ground and pull the right hand up to bring weight the chest. Keep the elbow close to the rib cage. Slowly lower the weight to the floor before pulling the left hand up toward the side of the trunk.
circuit 3: complete 3 rounds.
Bicep curl. complete 12-15 reps.
Hold the dumbbells in both hands facing up so the wrists, elbows, and shoulders are in a straight line about shoulder-width apart. Lift the dumbbells toward the shoulders while bending the elbows and keeping them next to the middle of the body. Slowly lower the weight to return to the starting position. Keep chest still, using just the arms for the movement.
Narrow grip shoulder press. complete 12-15 reps.
at-home modification: standing dumbbell shoulder press (palms facing body).
Sitting at the shoulder press machine, grasp the handles with your palms facing your body with your back against a back rest so that your head, shoulders and butt make contact with the bench. Place your feet firmly on the floor. Stiffen your torso by contracting your abdominal muscles. Lift the handles above your shoulders with your wrists in a neutral position. Slowly return the weight to the shoulders and repeat.
Seated rows. complete 12-15 reps.
at-home alternative: bent over rows.
Adjust the seat height to a level that positions the machine handles approximately level, or near level, with your shoulders. Position your feet firmly on the floor to stabilize your body. Sit upright and extend your arms to grasp the handles without rounding your shoulders forward. Adjust the position the chest pad to contact your chest lightly. Brace your core muscles to stabilize your spine. Maintain the natural arch in your low back and avoid arching your back throughout the exercise. Pull your shoulders back and down, keep your wrists in line with your forearms. From this start position perform a pulling movement. Bend your elbows and pull them towards your chest keeping your elbows close to the sides of your body. Maintain contact with your chest against the chest pad. Continue pulling until your elbows pass the sides of your body. Return to your starting position, allowing your arms to move forward and elbows to straighten moving the handles away from your body, stopping when your arms are fully extended. Repeat.
circuit 4: complete 3 rounds.
half burpee. complete 10 reps.
Start in the high plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your feet behind you about shoulder-width apart. Then jump both feet up and outside your hands so your in a squat position. For an added challenge, lift your hands off the ground simultaneously when you jump your feet forward. Maintain a tight core and neutral spine throughout the movement.
Bent over rows. Complete 12-15 reps.
Grip a barbell with palms down so that the wrists, elbows, and shoulders are in a straight line. Lift the bar from the rack, bend forward at the hips, and keep the back straight with a slight bend in the knees. Lower the bar towards the floor until the elbows are completely straight, and keep the back flat as the bar is pulled towards the belly button. Then slowly lower the bar to the starting position and repeat.
supermans. complete 20 reps.
Lie on your stomach on a mat with your legs extended, toes pointing away from your shins, arms extended overhead with palms facing each other. Relax your head to align it with your spine. Exhale, contract your abdominal and core muscles to stabilize your spine and slowly raise both legs a few inches off the floor while simultaneously raising both arms a few inches off the floor. Keep both legs and arms extended and avoiding any rotation in each. Maintain your head and torso position, avoiding any arching in your back or raising of your head. Hold this position briefly and return to your starting position.