day one: Legs
Allow 60-90 seconds rest between circuits. Aim for little to no rest between exercises during the circuit. If you’re a beginner, take breaks as needed.
Pyramid stack: For rounds with pyramid stacks, you will increase your weights each round and lower your reps. For example, if an exercise lists three rep ranges like 12, 10, 8 you would complete 12 reps during the first round, then increase your weights in the second round and lower to 10 reps, then increase your weights in the third round and lower to 8 reps. if you are doing this at home and don’t have that many sets of weights, that’s okay! simply perform between 8-12 reps of each exercise instead like you would in a normal round. choose a weight that consistently challenges you so that the last two reps are tough!
circuit 1: Complete 3 rounds.
starfish jumps. Complete 10-12 reps.
Begin with feet shoulder width apart, squat down into a squat position, and jump upward, simultaneously lifting your arms out laterally and up past your shoulders and bringing your legs out to the sides just past hip width apart. Land with soft knees back into a squat position. To modify, perform a regular squat jump or a squat with no jump.
Reverse lunges. complete 8-12 reps, left-right.
Stand with feet shoulder width apart with your core tight. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, letting them hang directly below your shoulders with your palms facing your body. Step back with your left foot and bend at your knee and position your left knee directly underneath your hip. Your right foot should be positioned directly underneath your knee, driving your weight through your front heel to engage your glutes. Step back to your starting position and repeat all reps on the same side and then perform on the opposite leg.
Jumping lunges. complete 8-10 reps, left-right.
Stand with feet shoulder width apart with your core tight. Keep your hands at your chest clasped together to help maintain a tight core to maintain your balance throughout the movement. Jump your left foot behind you, bending your knee and placing it directly below your left hip while simultaneously bringing your right foot in front of you with your foot positioned directly below your knee, driving your weight through your front heel to engage your glutes. Explosively jump up into the air, switching your feet in the air and landing in the same position with the opposite foot forward. Repeat. To modify, simple step back and lunge and remove the jump.
circuit 2: pyramid stack.
cable squats. Complete 12, 10, 8 reps.
at-home alternative: squats.
Adjust the carriage so that it's at the bottom of the cable machine. Attach a triceps rope handle to the pulley on the carriage of a cable station. You should be facing the pulley. Stand a few feet away from the cable machine, until your arms are fully extended in front of you holding the pulley. Squat down, keeping your arms fully extended in front of you, driving your weight through your heels until your legs are parallel to the floor. Drive yourself back up through your heels and squeeze your glutes at the top.
Cable pull-throughs. Complete 12, 10, 8 reps.
at-home alternative: dumbbell hip thrusters.
Adjust the carriage so that it's at the bottom of the cable machine. Attach a triceps rope handle to the pulley on the carriage of a cable station. You should be facing away from the cable machine and hold the rope handle with both hands between your legs. Keep a slight bend at your knees, hinge at your hips, and lean your torso forward maintaining a neutral spine. Stop your torso just above hip level, driving your weight through your heels, and then lift yourself back up squeezing your glutes at the top.
cable kickbacks. Complete 12, 10, 8 reps.
at-home alternative: banded kickbacks.
Adjust the carriage so that it's at the bottom of the cable machine. Place the ankle strap attachment around your ankle, and then attach it to the machine. Alternatively, using a small handle attachment you can position your foot as shown in the video if your gym doesn’t have an ankle strap, though the ankle strap is highly recommended. You should be facing the pulley. Select a weight that will challenge you without sacrificing form. Step one to two feet away from the pulley, and place your hands on the frame to maintain your balance. With a slight bend in your knees and your core engaged, kick your left leg back as high as it can go hinging at your hips and bringing your torso forward. Return it to the starting position with control. This counts as one rep.
circuit 3: pyramid stack superset.
Romanian deadlifts. Complete 12, 10, 8 reps.
Stand holding a pair of medium-heavy weight dumbbells in each hand, arms at your sides, with your knees slightly bent OR standing holding a barbell directly in front of you. Keeping your arms straight and knees slightly bent, slowly hinge at your hips, not your waist, and lower the weight(s) as far as possible without rounding your back, which should remain straight. Your head should maintain a neutral position and stay in line with your spine throughout the entire movement. Looking forward, not at the ground, will help you avoid rounding your back. Keep the weight(s) close to, almost touching, your legs. Your range of motion should stop slightly past your knees. Drive your weight through your heels to engage your glutes. Squeeze your glutes to slowly pull yourself up. Be sure not to use your back or round your spine! Thrust your hips at the top of the movement, but avoid leaning your torso backward.
Goblet squats. Complete 12, 10, 8 reps.
Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width with toes pointed slightly out. Hold your dumbbell or kettlebell at chest level with both hands. Keeping your back flat, push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor and your elbows pass your knees. With your weight focused in your heels, push yourself up to the starting position.
circuit 4: complete 3 rounds.
Side to side toe taps. complete 8-12 reps, left-right.
Using a stable bench, box or chair, position your right foot firmly on the surface with your knee bent and positioned directly above your foot with the other foot on the ground with weight in your toe. Lift the foot off the ground and cross to the opposite side of the elevated surface and continue to switch from side to side. The foot planted on the elevated surface should not move.
Elevated split squat. Complete 8-12 reps, left-right.
Stand with feet shoulder width apart with your core tight. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, letting them hang directly below your shoulders with your palms facing your body. Using a stable elevated surface that sits a few inches off the ground, place your right foot on the surface and step back into a deep lunge position. Bend at your knee and position your left knee directly underneath your hip. Your right foot should be positioned directly underneath your knee, driving your weight through your front heel to engage your glutes. Stand straight up in a split squat position and then lower back to the lowered position. Repeat.
squat to lunge. complete 8-10 reps, left-right.
Begin with feet shoulder width apart, brace your core and hold dumbbells in both hands resting the weight on your shoulders. Step back with your right foot into a lunge position, and maintaining a low position lift up slightly to step out into a squat position. Repeat the set number of reps on the right side and then switch to the left. Maintain a tight core and neutral spine throughout the movement.