day one: Legs
Allow 60-90 seconds rest between circuits. Aim for little to no rest between exercises during the circuit. If you’re a beginner, take breaks as needed.
for an added challenge, begin with 5-6 minutes of high-intensity cardio of your choice and complete bonus round.
circuit 1: Complete 3 rounds.
wall balls. Complete 15-20 reps.
at-home alternative: squat to dumbbell press.
Stand in front of a wall holding your med ball with both hands in front of your chest. Squat down low with your hips below your knees. As you straighten your legs, throw the ball up to a specific spot on the wall or a target, about eight to 10 feet from the floor. You want to use the power of your lower body to propel the ball up, coming onto the balls of your feet. Keep your arms extended, ready to catch the ball after it bounces off the wall and sink back into a squat position as you catch the ball, driving your weight through your heels. This counts as one rep.
Pulsing squats. Complete 15-20 reps.
Stand with your head facing forward and your chest held up and out. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, position them at your shoulders resting the dumbbells on your shoulders. If using a barbell, place your shoulders underneath the bar, and in a split stance lift the bar off the squat rack and move away from the rack. Brace your core and stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Hinge back at your hips, driving your weight through your heels and maintaining a neutral spine. Keep your head in line with your spine. Rather than allowing your back to round, let your lower back arch slightly as you descend. Lower down so your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible, with your knees over your ankles. Press your weight back into your heels. Pulse up and down in this position for the set number of reps. Keep your body tight, and push through your heels to bring yourself back to the starting position, exhaling as you come up.
squat jumps. complete 15-20.
modification: pulsing Squats.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start by doing a regular squat, driving your weight through your heels and then engage your core and jump up explosively. When you land, lower your body back into the squat position with your legs parallel to the floor and repeat.
circuit 2: Complete 3 rounds.
cable Squats. Complete 8-12 reps.
AT home alternative: goblet squats.
Adjust the carriage so that it's at the bottom of the cable machine. Attach a triceps rope handle to the pulley on the carriage of a cable station. You should be facing the pulley. Stand a few feet away from the cable machine, until your arms are fully extended in front of you holding the pulley. Squat down, keeping your arms fully extended in front of you, driving your weight through your heels until your legs are parallel to the floor. Drive yourself back up through your heels and squeeze your glutes at the top.
reverse pulsing lunges. Complete 8-12 reps, left-right.
Stand with feet shoulder width apart with your core tight. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, letting them hang directly below your shoulders with your palms facing your body. Step back with your left foot and bend at your knee and position your left knee directly underneath your hip. Your right foot should be positioned directly underneath your knee, driving your weight through your front heel to engage your glutes. Slightly lift yourself up, and then pulse back down to the lowered position. Continue to drive weight through your front heel to engage your glutes. Repeat all reps on the same side and then repeat.
squat jacks. complete 15-20 reps.
Begin with your feet together and jump out to a squat position with your hands held at your chest to help maintain a tight core. Jump up and place your feet back together and repeat the movement.
circuit 3: complete 3 rounds.
side lunges. complete 8-12 reps, left-right.
Holding dumbbells in both hands with your hands directly below your shoulders, stand with your feet and knees together. Take a large step with your right foot to the right side, and lunge toward the floor, hinging at your hips and positioning the dumbbells on either side of your leg. Make sure your right knee does not extend past your toes, and keep your left leg relatively straight. Push off through your right foot to return to the start to complete one side lunge.
double pulse Sumo squat. complete 8-12 reps.
Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out at about 45 degrees. Hold a dumbbell at one end with both hands in front of your body. Inhale to sit hips back and lower into a squat, keeping core engaged and back neutral. Pause at the bottom, when hips are in line with knees or when form starts to break. Shins should be vertical and knees should be tracking over (but past) toes. Exhale to press into heels and outer edge of foot to stand.
sumo squat jumps. complete 8-12 reps.
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and slightly turned out at a 45 degree angle, arms positioned at your chest to help maintain a tight core. Bend your knees and plié, then jump up explosively. Keep your core engaged. Land with control, lowering your body back into the squat position to complete one rep.
circuit 4: complete 3 rounds.
box jumps. complete 8-12 reps.
at-home alternative: tuck jumps or high knees.
Stand with your feet slightly wider than hips-width distance apart in front of a sturdy box or elevated surface. Bend your knees and swing your arms back. Jump onto the top of the box with both feet at the same time, swinging the arms forward to give you a little momentum. Once you land, stand up until your legs are straight and drive your hips forward. Step one foot at a time back to the floor or jump down softly with both feet.
weighted step ups. Complete 8-12 reps, left-right.
modification: omit weight.
Find a stable step, bench or box that, when you place your foot squarely on it, your knee is at a 90-degree angle or larger. Hold dumbbells in both hands hanging them directly beneath your shoulders (or omit if you need to modify). Step up with the right foot, bringing both feet completely onto the bench. To return to the starting position, and repeat the set number of reps for one leg before switching to the other.
Side to side toe taps. complete 8-12, left-right.
Using a stable bench, box or chair, position your right foot firmly on the surface with your knee bent and positioned directly above your foot with the other foot on the ground with weight in your toe. Lift the foot off the ground and cross to the opposite side of the elevated surface and continue to switch from side to side. The foot planted on the elevated surface should not move.
bonus round: complete 4-5 rounds.
clamshells. complete 15-20, left-right.
Lie down on a gym mat on your right side, with your right arm bent to prop your head up. Place a band around your quad with your knees bent and the left knee positioned directly over the right knee with your calfs positioned directly behind your knees. Your body should be in a straight line. Lift your left knee to press against the band, making a clamshell movement. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.
banded side steps. complete 15-20, left right.
Place a band around your quads. Squat down hinging at your hips into a squat position with your legs parallel to the ground. Step to the side for the set number of reps, and then repeat in the opposite direction.
banded butterfly wall sit. complete 20-25.
Stand with your back pressing against a wall. Place a band around your quads. Slide downward into a squat position by moving your feet forward until your knees make a 90-degree angle and your hamstrings are parallel to the floor. Holding this position, move your knees outward in a butterfly like movement, keeping your feet together. The insides of your feet will lift off of the ground. You should feel this in your outer glutes.