day two: arms & abs


Allow 60-90 seconds rest between circuits. Aim for little to no rest between exercises during the circuit. If you’re a beginner, take breaks as needed.

challenger: in between circuits, add 45 seconds sprints or burpees, 15 second rest, repeat 2-3 times.


circuit 1: Complete 3 rounds.


Spider crunch burpees

Spider crunch burpees. Complete 10 reps.
modification: omit jump.

Start with feet hip width apart, slightly bend at your knees and propel yourself upward as you jump to the ceiling. Bend your knees as you land, and drop down placing your hands on the floor in front of you and jump both feet back so that you’re now in plank position. Bring your right knee toward your elbow, crunching your right side and then position your foot back into a plank position. Repeat on the left side. Jump the feet back in toward the hands, and then explosively jump into the air, reaching your arms straight overhead.


Mountain climbers with twist

mountain climbers with twist. complete 20 reps.

In a plank position, brace your core with your hands placed firmly on a medicine ball or alternatively, directly underneath your shoulders on the ground. Flex your left hip, bringing your left thigh across your chest toward your right shoulder. Keeping your hands firmly on the ground or medicine ball, abs engaged and shoulder strong, simultaneously switch leg positions, crossing your right thigh across your chest toward your left shoulder.


upright rows

upright rows. complete 12-15 reps.

Stand with feet hip-width apart, with hips straight and back tall. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip (palms facing your body) with your hands on either side of your thighs. Bend at your elbows and move your arms in an upward position until your elbows are in line with your shoulders. Return to the starting position and repeat.


circuit 2: Complete 3-4 rounds.


Tricep extensions

Tricep extensions . Complete 12-15 reps.

Begin standing upright with feet planted on the ground, shoulder-width apart or in a split stance position. Using both hands, grab one dumbbell at the handle. Keep your abdominal muscles engaged and your head and neck in line with your spine. Bring the dumbbell behind your head, pulling your shoulders down and back. Press the dumbbell overhead until arms are extended, but do not lock elbows. Inhale and allow the weight to slowly bend your elbows, lowering the dumbbell behind your head in a controlled manner without moving your upper arms.


Bicep curls

Bicep curls. complete 8-12 reps.

Hold the barbell with both hands facing up so the wrists, elbows, and shoulders are in a straight line about shoulder-width apart. Lift the barbell toward the shoulders while bending the elbows and keeping them next to the middle of the body. Slowly lower the weight to return to the starting position. Keep chest still, using just the arms for the movement.



Commandos. Complete 6-10 reps, left-right.

Start in a push-up position with the hands under the shoulders and the legs stretched out directly behind. Squeeze the thigh and glute muscles to keep body and legs in a straight line, and lower down to the elbows one elbow at a time. From this position on the elbows, press the hands into the floor one at a time to return to the push-up position.


circuit 3: complete 3-4 rounds.


Tricep dips

Tricep dips. complete 12-15 reps.

Position your hands shoulder-width apart behind your torso on a stable bench or chair. You can also do this on the floor with your knees bent and feet positioned directly behind your knees. Shift your glutes off the bench with your legs extended in front of you. You can bend your knees to lighten the weight. Bend at your elbows and lower yourself toward the ground, keeping your body close to the bench, until your elbows are positioned at 90 degrees. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, press down into the bench and elevate yourself back to the starting position.


Pulsing tricep kickbacks

Pulsing tricep kickbacks. complete 12-15 reps.

Hold dumbbells in both hands and keep your weight evenly distributed through the heels of both feet. Stiffen your torso by contracting your abdominal and core muscles. Lean forward, bending at your knees and keeping a neutral spine from your head to your tailbone. Pull your shoulders down and back and maintain this position throughout the exercise. Position your upper arms parallel and close to your torso. Bend your elbow to 90 degrees or at least to a point where your forearm hangs vertical to the floor. Exhale and slowly extend/straighten your elbow by contracting your triceps muscles until your elbow is fully extended. Maintain this position and pulse. Your upper arm should remain stationary next to your torso and not raised during the movement. Avoid any arching (sagging) in your low back or any rotation in your torso. Inhale and slowly return your arm to your starting position, without changing your torso position.


Side to side deadball slams

Side to side deadball slams. complete 10-12 reps.
at-home alternative: use dumbbell, do not release.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and holding a medicine ball in both hands directly in front of your chest; grasp the ball with your hands in a neutral position (palms facing each other), and elbows fully flexed (bent) and facing down towards the floor. Begin your downward phase by first shifting your hips backwards then slowly moving downwards to create a hinge-like movement at your knees. Continue to lower yourself until your feel your heels about to lift off the floor. Pull your shoulders down and back and engage your core. Maintain a flat back by bending forward at the hips. Reach the medicine ball upwards above your head while simultaneously straightening your legs and rolling up on the balls of your toes. Explosively bring the ball down slightly turning your body to the right and throwing the ball down onto the floor near your right foot while dropping your weight back into your hips.  As you throw the ball down, make sure you are maintaining the abdominal bracing and hinge from the hips to maintain spinal stability. Pick the ball up and repeat, throwing the ball down on the left-side.


circuit 4: complete 3 rounds.


Weighted obliques

Weighted obliques. complete 15 reps, left-right.

Stand with your feet, shoulder width apart and brace your core. Hold a dumbbell in each hand (or only one hand if you need to slightly modify), and lean your body to the right side, sliding the weight down your thigh. Don’t push past your normal range of motion as you tilt your body. Slowly return to starting position. Repeat the specified number of reps on the right side, and then perform the same on the left side.


Spider crunches

Spider crunches. Complete 20 reps.

To get started, get into the same position as you would to do push-ups – lying down and supporting your weight with your hands. Lift your right foot and bring your knee toward your right elbow, crunching at your side and replace your foot back on the ground. Repeat on the left side.


side plank hip dips

slide plank hip dips. complete 12-15 reps, left-right.

Lie on your left side propped up on your left elbow and forearm, shoulders stacked over your elbow, legs stacked on top of each other. Raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels. This is the starting position. Keeping your core braced and your glutes engaged, slowly lower your left hip toward the floor. Reverse the move, returning to side plank position. Repeat for reps, then switch sides, performing equal reps on each.


cool down. now it’s time to stretch.


day two is complete!


If You’re feeling strong, head back to week five and complete the bonus abs for this week!