week eight: bonus abs
complete 1-2 rounds.
alternating v-ups. complete 20 reps.
Lie flat on your back with your legs out straight in front of you and your arms up above your shoulders on the ground. Lift one leg up toward the ceiling squeezing your glute. Press your low back into the ground and engage your abs as you lift your leg up. Then crunch your upper body up as you reach your opposite arm up toward the toes of your raised leg, rotating toward that raised leg. Then lower the raised leg as you lift the other leg up toward the ceiling and crunch up to reach up toward that opposite foot. Keep alternating sides.
trx knee-ins. Complete 20 reps.
modification: knee-ins.
Place your feet securely into the foot cradles positioned directly under the anchor point. Apply downward pressure with the tops of your feet by pointing your toes away from your shins. Lie flat on your stomach with your hands placed shoulder-width apart, under your shoulders and facing forward. Brace your core and your glutes and quadriceps. Exhale and press yourself upward until your elbows are fully extended, aligning your head and spine (avoid any sagging or aching in your low back). Pull your knees toward your chest, bending your knees as they tuck under your hips, keeping your feet together and toes pointed away from your shins. During this movement, your hips will rise upwards and your spine will flex (curl into a ball). Continue pulling your knees inwards until they lie directly under your hips. Inhale and slowly lower your body towards your starting push-up position, aligning your head and spine together. Avoid any arching or sagging in your low back throughout the range of motion.
Suitcase situps. complete 20 reps.
Lie flat on your back on a gym mat with arms stretched out straight behind your head. Simultaneously flex at the hips & curl the abs to raise the legs and torso off the floor. Bring the hands to meet the feet, bringing your knees into your chest. Return slowly to starting position.
leg lifts. Complete 20 reps.
Lie on your back. Place your hands, palms down, on the floor beside you or beneath your glutes to help maintain a flat back. Raise your legs off the ground, exhale as you go, bringing them to a 90 degree angle and lifting your hips up off the ground keeping your legs straight. Keep your knees locked throughout the exercise. Return to starting position (inhale as you go down).
starfish crunches. Complete 20 reps.
Start lying on your back with your hands behind your head and the soles of your feet flat together in a starfish position. Perform crunches by lifting your shoulders off the floor while also lifting your feet off the floor and crunching as you bring your knees and elbows toward each other. Repeat for the specified number of reps.
Spider crunches on yoga ball. complete 20 reps.
modification: plank hip lifts.
Lie on your stomach over the top of a properly-inflated stability ball with both feet and hands on the floor, hip- and shoulder-width apart. Contract your abdominal/core muscles to stiffen your torso and slowly walk yourself forward, lifting your legs off the floor. Continue walking out until your knees rest on top of the ball (for an added challenge, you can walk out until your toes rest on top of the ball). Maintain a rigid torso aligned parallel with your legs. Pull your shoulder back and down as your reach your end position, with your arms fully extended and hands positioned directly under your shoulders. Exhale and while keeping your legs fully extended, pull your feet towards towards your chest, rolling the ball forward as your hips move upwards (think about lifting your rear end towards the ceiling while hinging at the hips). Continue moving until you reach an inverted position where your hips are positioned directly above your shoulders, with your legs, torso and arms fully extended, and head positioned between your arms. Inhale and slowly lower yourself back towards the floor, returning your body to the starting position.
sit ups. complete 20 reps.
Lie down on your back. Bend your legs and place feet firmly on the ground to stabilize your lower body. Cross your hands to opposite shoulders or place them behind your ears, without pulling on your neck or hold a dumbbell with both hands for an added challenge and keep it at your chest. Curl your upper body all the way up toward your knees. Exhale as you lift. Slowly, lower yourself down, returning to your starting point. Inhale as you lower.
banded bicycles. complete 20 reps.
Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground (pull your navel in to also target your deep abs). Place an exercise band around your toes. Put your hands behind your head, then bring your knees in towards your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the ground, but be sure not to pull on your neck. Straighten your right leg out to about a 45-degree angle to the ground while turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow towards the left knee. Make sure your rib cage is moving and not just your elbows. Now switch sides and do the same motion on the other side to complete one rep.