day two: upper body
cardio warmup:
5 minutes of HIIT or 10 minutes of cardio of your choice. Here’s what I’m doing:
3 minutes of 45/15 sprints: 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off
2 minutes of 45/15 burpees: 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off
Allow 60-90 seconds rest between circuits. use this time to transition/set weights for your next circuit. Aim for little to no rest between exercises during the circuit. If you’re a beginner, take breaks as needed. done is better than perfect!
circuit 1: timed circuit (30/10s). complete 3 rounds.
Complete 30 seconds of the exercise and 10 seconds rest.
wall balls.
At-home alternative: squat to Shoulder press using dumbbells.
Stand in front of a wall holding your med ball with both hands in front of your chest. Squat down low with your hips below your knees. As you straighten your legs, throw the ball up to a specific spot on the wall or a target, about eight to 10 feet from the floor. You want to use the power of your lower body to propel the ball up, coming onto the balls of your feet. Keep your arms extended, ready to catch the ball after it bounces off the wall and sink back into a squat position as you catch the ball, driving your weight through your heels. This counts as one rep.
burpees with pushup.
modification: remove pushup and/or jump.
Begin with feet hip width apart with core tight. Jump toward the ceiling, bending at your knees as you land and dropping to a plank position with hands positioned directly under the shoulders and the legs out behind the body, head facing down. Complete a push up. Jump the feet forward near the hands into a deep squat, and stand up, jumping toward the ceiling. Repeat. To modify, remove the pushup or jump and simply step your feet forward and stand.
Plank jacks on med ball.
at-home modification: perform from a plank position on palms or elbows.
Begin in plank position, with your hands positioned firmly on a medicine ball, your body in one straight line, and your feet together. Like the motion of a jumping jack, jump your legs wide and then back together. Jump as quickly as you want, but keep your pelvis steady and don't let your glutes rise toward the ceiling.
circuit 2: Complete 3 rounds.
lateral front to side raises. Complete 10-12 reps.
Stand with feet hip width apart or in a split stance, holding dumbbells in both hands with palms facing your body. Keep your core tight and pull your shoulders down and back. Exhale and raise the dumbbell in one hand out to your side, and raise the dumbbell in the other hand in front of your body. Your elbows and upper arms should rise together. Raise both arms to be level to your shoulders. Lower back to starting position.
cable underhand fly. complete 12-15 reps.
at-home modification: use dumbbells.
Start with two pulleys set in the bottom position with handle attachments and have your palms facing forward in a split stance. Brace your core muscles. Your upper arms should be at about a 30 degree angle away from your sides. Using your upper chest to pull your arms up and in, raise the handles up and together so that they come together at shoulder level or slightly higher. The path of the cables will draw an upside-down V. You can use dumbbells as an alternative with the same range of motion.
pushups. complete 10-12 reps.
modification: drop to knees. if that’s too hard, you can perform pushups on a wall.
Begin in a plank position with your feet behind you and your palms on the ground, shoulder width apart with fingers facing forward. Stiffen your torso by contracting your core/abdominal muscles, your glute and quadriceps muscles and align your head with your spine. Lower your body toward the floor, keeping your head aligned with your spine, with your elbows flaring outward until your chest or chin touches the floor. To modify, drop to your knees.
mountain climbers with twist. complete 20 reps.
In a plank position, brace your core with your hands placed firmly on a medicine ball or alternatively, directly underneath your shoulders on the ground. Flex your left hip, bringing your left thigh across your chest toward your right shoulder. Keeping your hands firmly on the ground or medicine ball, abs engaged and shoulder strong, simultaneously switch leg positions, crossing your right thigh across your chest toward your left shoulder.
circuit 3: complete 3 rounds.
seated single arm shoulder press
seated single arm shoulder press. complete 10-12 reps, l-r.
Grasp one dumbbell in your hand and sit with your back against a back rest so that your head, shoulders and butt make contact with the bench. Place your feet firmly on the floor. Stiffen your torso by contracting your abdominal muscles. Lift the dumbbell to your shoulder level with a closed, forward facing grip, with the dumbbell at shoulder-width or slightly wider and wrist in a neutral position. Keeping the back straight and tall and press the dumbbells directly overhead. Slowly return the weight to the shoulder and repeat.
single arm bent over row. complete 12-15 reps, l-r.
modification: reverse lunges or pulsing lunges.
Holding a dumbbell in your right hand, bend over to place your left knee and left hand on a bench to support your body weight. Your hand should be placed directly under your shoulder and your knees should be positioned directly under your hips. Your back should be flat and spine should be neutral, with your head aligned with your spine. Pull your shoulders down and back and maintain this position. Extend your right arm (holding the dumbbell) towards the floor without allowing your torso to rotate or shoulder to move towards the floor. Pull the dumbbell upwards, bending your elbow and pulling your upper arm backwards. Keep your arm close to the side of your body and continue pulling the dumbbell upwards until you are unable to lift any further without rotating your torso. Return to starting position.
overhead tricep pull downs. complete 12-15 reps.
at-home alternative: tricep extensions with dumbbell.
Sit facing the cable machine, with cable attachment set at the top. Attach the handles. Grasp the handles with your wrists facing your body, seated on your knees. Keep your shoulders back and down. Pull the handles directly down, keeping your arms close to your body. Gently exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat.
circuit 4: complete 3 rounds.
tricep extensions. complete 12-15 reps.
Begin standing upright with feet planted on the ground, shoulder-width apart or in a split stance position. Using both hands, grab one dumbbell at the handle. Keep your abdominal muscles engaged and your head and neck in line with your spine. Bring the dumbbell behind your head, pulling your shoulders down and back. Press the dumbbell overhead until arms are extended, but do not lock elbows. Inhale and allow the weight to slowly bend your elbows, lowering the dumbbell behind your head in a controlled manner without moving your upper arms.
seated incline plate press. Complete 12-15 reps.
At-home alternative: use dumbbells. Perform seated on floor and lean back at a 45 degree angle.
Grasp one plate or two dumbbells and lie on your back on an incline bench angled between 45 and 60 degrees with your feet placed firmly on the floor or on a raised platform to allow you to maintain a neutral spine. Pull your shoulders down and back to make firm contact with the bench. Your head, shoulders, butt and feet should make contact with the bench and floor/riser throughout the exercise. Grasp the inside of the plate with palms facing your body or if using dumbbells grasp with palms facing forward and press with both arms in unison to a level over your eyes or slightly higher, with your elbows fully extended. Maintain a neutral wrist position. Lower the weight(s) in unison and in a controlled movement towards your upper chest. Keep the elbows under your wrists. Repeat.
Side plank hip dips. complete 20 reps.
Lie on your left side propped up on your left elbow and forearm, shoulders stacked over your elbow, legs stacked on top of each other. Raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels. This is the starting position. Keeping your core braced and your glutes engaged, slowly lower your left hip toward the floor. Reverse the move, returning to side plank position. Repeat for reps, then switch sides, performing equal reps on each.
cable wood chops. complete 12-15 reps, l-r.
at-home alternative: perform same movement holding one dumbbell with both hands.
Attach a hand grip to a cable at one end of a cable machine frame or you can also use no attachment. Position the anchor near the bottom of the frame. Position your body so that the cable movement will be upward and across the body -- like a tree-chopping action. Position the feet comfortably apart and grasp the cable handle with both hands below your hips, near your knees. Load the machine with sufficient weight to provide light to moderate resistance. If you struggle to move the handle or if you can only move it slowly, the weight is too heavy.
burnout: timed circuit (20/10s). complete 3 rounds.
Complete 20 seconds of the exercise and 10 seconds rest.
modification: High knees.
modification: drop to knees. if that’s too hard, you can perform pushups on a wall.
Begin in a plank position with your feet behind you and your palms on the ground, shoulder width apart with fingers facing forward. Stiffen your torso by contracting your core/abdominal muscles, your glute and quadriceps muscles and align your head with your spine. Lower your body toward the floor, keeping your head aligned with your spine, with your elbows flaring outward until your chest or chin touches the floor. To modify, drop to your knees.
tricep dips.
at-home alternative: perform exercise on floor.
Position your hands shoulder-width apart behind your torso on a stable bench or chair. or stairs You can also do this on the floor with your knees bent and feet positioned directly behind your knees. Shift your glutes off the bench with your legs extended in front of you. You can bend your knees to lighten the weight. Bend at your elbows and lower yourself toward the ground, keeping your body close to the bench, until your elbows are positioned at 90 degrees. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, press down into the bench and elevate yourself back to the starting position.