week four: bonus abs
complete 2-3 rounds.
suitcase sit ups. complete 15-20 reps.
Lie flat on your back on a gym mat with arms stretched out straight behind your head. Simultaneously flex at the hips & curl the abs to raise the legs and torso off the floor. Bring the hands to meet the feet, bringing your knees into your chest. Return slowly to starting position.
starfish crunches. complete 15-20 reps.
Start lying on your back with your hands behind your head and the soles of your feet flat together in a starfish position. Perform crunches by lifting your shoulders off the floor while also lifting your feet off the floor and crunching as you bring your knees and elbows toward each other. Repeat for the specified number of reps.
leg lifts. complete 15-20 reps.
Lie on your back. Place your hands, palms down, on the floor beside you or beneath your glutes to help maintain a flat back. Raise your legs off the ground, exhale as you go, bringing them to a 90 degree angle and lifting your hips up off the ground keeping your legs straight. Keep your knees locked throughout the exercise. Return to starting position (inhale as you go down).