Welcome to FIT X Heidi!
Everything you need to reach your goals is right here.
I am so HONORED to have you in this community! I’m committed to providing you with new workouts every week that are FUN and full of variety. They will be challenging, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. What I LOVE about this program is that we’re doing them together every week. So we’re all struggling through that last rep and experiencing the same muscle soreness as a team. Everything is better in community! There are a million different programs out there, but I think what sets this one apart is the devotionals. Our body image and health and fitness are not separate from our faith. God has a lot to say about how He sees us. My hope and prayer is that the devotionals, God’s word and this community will help you to experience freedom from insecurity and lies you are believing about your image. If you’re not a believer, don’t let this deter you! I still think you’ll benefit from the messages, and I’m so glad you’re here!
Let’s get started. We’re in this together!
what you need to know:
New workouts are uploaded weekly on Sunday evenings.
Workouts take around 45 minutes to complete on average. Time varies per person.
There will always be five NEW workouts per week. We work split muscle groups four days a week and one full body day.
If you don’t have time for all five workouts, aim for one lower body day, one upper body day and one full body day.
If you need to make your workout shorter, do it! Remove one round per circuit to make it work for your schedule.
“Done is better than perfect.” That’s our mantra in the FIT X Heidi community! We are not striving for perfection. We are striving for consistency.
what you need to know:
You have access to eight weeks of devotionals to help you see yourself the way that Jesus does. Use them!
Experiencing freedom from your insecurities and the shame you feel around your image will not only help you on your fitness journey, but in your walk with the Lord.
We are all always in process. We will never experience perfection on this side of Heaven. Be okay with being in-process.
These devotionals are not meant to replace time in scripture. They are meant to point you to dig deeper into God’s word.
Start with the devotionals at the beginning of your week, and then dig into the scriptures referenced in each throughout the rest of your week.
what you need to know:
Nutrition is key! New recipes are always being added to our private Facebook community. Check in often!
Step out of your comfort zone and GET INTO COMMUNITY with other members! You can connect through the private FB group. Sweaty selfies are encouraged. So are your struggles, questions and wins! This is also a great way to hold yourself accountable.
Use Instagram as a way to connect! Comment on my posts to connect with other members. Use the hashtag #FXH and #FITXHeidi in your own posts and stories. Search those hashtags and follow/connect with other members.
You can even create a fitness Instagram dedicated to sharing your journey and connecting with others- be sure to use the hashtags and tag @heidiegloff in your bio!
By completing the registration process and purchasing FIT X Heidi, you acknowledge that you have read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and are bound by both. Results may vary per person.